“Balkan Egyptians of Scandinavia”
The General Provisions
ART.1 The name and its Acronym
This cultural organization is denominated “Balkan
Egyptians of Scandinavia”,
The association does not pursue the targetsof profit.
It is independent from any political party.
The headquarters of the Association is in Soderhamn
The Association is constituted by the prospect of
unlimited duration.
ART. 2 The official language and official logo.
The official languages of the Association are:
English, Albanian and Sven.
Logo of Association is formed by the logo of the
Organization and by the symbol of Balkans – Egyptian.
Logo is in Appendix 1.
ART. 3 Of Statute
The Statute refers to the respect of itself by all
members of organization.
It constitutes a fundamental norm of conduct of the
activities of the organization itself.
As regards anything not specifically defined in the
current Statute, the Rules are those defined by The Civil Low Code of Sweden.
Objectives of the Organization
ART. 4 Objectives
1. Preserve, develop and maintain the culture and
tradition of the population Balkan
2. Provide assistance for the initiative to activities of
cultural, artistic, sporting etc.
3. Facilitate the integration of members of the
Association in Scandinavian society through cultural, sporting, humanitarian,
educational and other activities in accordance with Statute of the Association.
4. Build and promote friendly relations between the
Balkan and Scandinavian citizens regardless of their nation or religion.
5. Cooperate with government organizations and not, as
well as with State Institutions in Scandinavia, and around the world, in order
to promote tolerance, cooperation and implementation of humanitarian
activities, cultural, sports, etc.
6. The main objectives of the organization are the
formation and dissemination of a culture of human rights, on the basis of The
Universal Declaration of Human Rights.Articles 5, 6,7,8,9,10,11,12 of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights and the international convention on the elimination
of all Forms of Racial Discrimination.
Articles 1, reported in Appendix 2, are considered
reference articles.
final objective of the association is to prevent the recurrence of violations
of the rights of human.
rights are reported in the articles above. And expressly reiterated that the
formulation "any individual" used in the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights is considered valid regardless of race, color, sex and other genetic
characteristics inherited or acquired (including physical handicap), - age,
national origin , ethnic, geographical place of residence, sexual orientation,
gender identity, registration, religious beliefs, ideologies and political
opinions, and any other similar criteria for exclusion .
is in addition to reiterate that the death penalty is considered a degrading
and harmful to human dignity, and this is not a secondary objective of the
Association, the complete removal of the death penalty in all countries of the
world and in all its forms.
ART. 5Objectives of the work
Considering the worst abuses and their spread among
the human rights(including genocide and war); it is the collective
responsibility believe that these targets are made possible.
The purpose of the association is:
Study the main factors
anthropological, social, historical and economic factors that make possible the
violations of human rights,
with particular reference to Western societies (EU
Disclose the results
of such studies or studies of other individuals or organizations, discover
similarities between the situations of discrimination and hatred of the past
and present or foreseeable future, so that effective preventive actions can be
Promote education and
awareness in the field’s human rights, including through the presentation of
essays and texts with educational value and promote awareness campaigns.
ART. 6 Implementation
of the purposes
The actions that the Association can take are:
1. The possession of a site on the World Wide Web (WWW)
for the dissemination of material produced by the Association;
2. The publication of essays and reports, education,
outreach, research purposes, as well as to raise awareness about a topic;
3. The publication of a regular newsletter, with
abstracts of papers and reports and other information or material observations;
4. Diffusion in "urgent action" notes in
situations that require the support of a sufficient public and sending letters
to the competent authority, in cooperation with, or at the request of other
5. Creation and maintenance of virtual exhibitions on
topics related to human rights;
6. Keep a file of basic documents for Human Rights, made
accessible via WWW Association;
7. Keep an archive
(not public) on issues relating to human rights. These Archives could be made
public, if possible, with the resources of the Association.
ART. 7Setting of realization of the objectives
the potential of information networks for the exchange of electronic
information and their special economic convenience, the Association decided to
use as the primary means of communication of the Internet and World Wide Web
(WWW), and their possible developments in the future. The main form of
publication of periodic reports and communications produced by the Association
is electronic.
ART.8 General provisions
The association is open to all those who know the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights.
Rights are a fundamental document politician with
moral validity, and the desire to contribute significantly to the aims of the
Association, with the most popular tools today in the statute. The association
is open regardless of geographic location, race, color, religious creed, sexual
orientation, gender identity or ethnic group.
ART. 9 Acceptance,
laws and duties of members
Admission Association is decided by the Executive
Board at the request of the applicant.
Members of the Association have the right to choose
the bodies of the Association.
They have the right to be informed about the
activities of the Association and to control the flow of the 'Association as
defined in the law and the statutes.
Members of the organization are entitled to
reimbursement of costs incurred for the activities of the Association, within
the limits prescribed by law.
Members of the Organization must develop their
activities nonprofit.
The behavior towards the other members and people
outside the organization should be supportive, correct and polite.
The members of the Organization who violate the duties
prescribed by law may be excluded by the Organization.
The exclusion is discussed by secret ballot after hearing the reasons from both parties
The organs of the Organization
ART. 10 Denomination
of the organisms
Organization bodies are: the Assembly, the Executive
Committee and President.
ART. 11 Assemblies
The Assembly is composed of all members of the
The Assembly is led by a president out of the members
of the Assembly. The Assembly meets every two years.
The President shall convene the agenda sent by
electronic mail or other means, at least 30 days before.
In the first call, the Assembly is regularly
constituted with the presence of half of the members of the association,
present in person.
The Assembly is made regularly by a number of members
that may be present in person or by delegation.
Is not accepted more than a delegation to any member
of this Assembly.
The Assembly may be through an electronic discussion
in the restricted area ("Chat room") or video-conference, according
to the resources available.
Members who use these electronic means will be
considered present to all effects.
On the basis to the majority of votes (within the
borders will adopt amendments to the Statute or termination of the
'Association) .
The vote is done to take the initiatives of the
Association or for changes to the current rules proposed by (1) the President;
(2) the Executive Committee; (3) at least 10% of the members of the Assembly.
Votes are open with the exclusion of those in favor of
At the opening of the General Assembly, the President
read a brief report on the activities of the year, and he or she says in its
proposals and those of the executive committee of the activities for the next
The discussions are summarized in the report prepared
by the Secretary and signed by the president.
The text is kept by the president, at the headquarters
of the Organization. Each member has the right to inspect the files and make
copies of it.
ART. 12 The
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is composed of three members
elected from among the members of the Organization.
The President of the Organization is the President of
the executive committee and he or she is elected by the Assembly along with
other members of the Committee, vice-president and secretary-treasurer.
The Executive Committee lasts for a period of two
years, and may be revoked by the Assembly, with a majority of two thirds of the
The Executive Committee is the governing body and the
administration of the Association and works to realize the signs and the
targets set by the Assembly, to which it responds directly.
The control of the Executive Committee shall be
adopted by a majority that represents it.
ART. 13 The
The president is elected by its members and by the
The mandate of the president as tough as that of the
executive committee.
The Assembly may revoke the president with the
majority that is.
At least one month before the expiry of his term, the
President shall convene the Shareholders' Meeting to elect the new President.
The President, who is a volunteer of 'Organization is
responsible for all actions on behalf of the Organization.
The President directs the meetings of the Executive
Board and is engaged in 'execution of the ordinary meetings.
The President signed the minutes of the meeting of the
Assembly and keep him inside the Organization, where themembers can be
consulted it.
ART. 14
Designation of resources
The financial resources of the organization are
composed of:
1. Contributions and membership fees
2. Donations and heredity
3. Marginal income of an activity of a commercial
nature and productive
4. Any other income received in accordance with
Swedish law
ART. 15 Contributions
The contributions for members are commonly calculated
from quotas of the Association, as determined by the Assembly.
The Contributions are exceptional gifts of members, or
persons or entities that are not related to the association.
The free cash payments and donations are accepted by
the Executive Committee, which discusses their use in accordance with the
purposes of the Statute of the organization.
The profits of commercial or productive activities are
written in a separate budget from the Organization.
In Assembly discusses the use of income, so they are
any case in line with the objectives and the principles of the Statute of the Swedish
Article of the Universal Declaration of Human Tights
Statute quoted in “Balkan - Egyptian ofScandinavia"
Art. 5
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel,
inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Art. 6
Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a
person front of the law.
Art. 7
All are equal under the law and are entitled without
any discrimination to equal protection from the law.Against any discrimination
in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such
Art. 8
Everyone has the right to an 'effective possibility of
appeal to the competent authorities, such as the national tribunals for acts
violating the fundamental rights guaranteed by the constitution or by law.
Art. 9
No one shall be
subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
Art. 10
Everyone has the right for a fair and public trial by
an independent and impartial court, in the determination of his rights and
obligations and of any criminal accusation against him.
Art. 11
(1) Everyone
charged with a penal offense has the right to be presumed innocent until proved
guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the
guarantees necessary for his defense.
(2) No one may
be convicted of a criminal offense on account of any act or omission which did
not constitute a criminal offense, under national or international law, at the
time when it was committed.
Neither a heavier penalty may be imposed than the one
applicable at the time the penal offense was committed.
Art. 12
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference
with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, or to attacks upon his honor
and reputation.
Everyone has the right to the protection of the law
against such interference or attacks.
International Convention on the Elimination of All
Forms of Racial Discrimination
Art. 1
The term "racial discrimination" in this
Convention, involves any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference
based on race, color, national origin, ancestry or ethnic origin, which has the
purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing or recognize, enjoyment or
exercise, on equal terms, of human rights andfundamental freedoms in every
other area of life which is public, policy, economic, social or cultural.